The Farwest Show is floor is populated by the greatest growers, suppliers, and service providers in the West. Photos by Pivot Group
The August issue of Digger Magazine not only includes the Farwest Show Guide and New Products Showcase, but other original green industry feature stories and news content.
In this issue:
- Plants for pollinators: Strong consumer interest drives demand for pollinator friendly plant selections.
- Where plant demand is headed: Nurseries are navigating a new landscape as consumer demand evolves.
- Native tree selections for urban shade: Many cities are turning toward diversifying tree lists to include lesser-known native North American trees.
- Member Profile: Hopper Bros.: This diversified nursery and farming operation on 900 acres grows ornamental conifers, Christmas trees, pumpkins, row crops and grass seed.
- Growing strong roots: The Oregon Nurseries Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s scholarships
- The next generation of green minds: Seed Your Future launches BLOOM!, a vibrant national campaign that even businesses can use.

- Farwest Show New Products Showcase: Discover innovative solutions and improvements to the latest 2018 green industry products.
- Farwest Show Features: Explore everything that the Farwest Show has to offer.
- Farwest Exhibitor Search: Plan your route through the tradeshow floor.
- The ‘offseason’: President’s Message by Josh Zielinski
- The Farwest Show is the place to be: Directors Desk by Jeff Stone
- Brand positioning: Pivot Points with Ian Doescher
- Ferns … not just a fancy frond: What I’m Hearing with Mike Darcy
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- Let it bee: The Oregon Bee Project will help explore market opportunities for nurseries
Download a PDF of the full issue: Download a PDF of this article
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].