Oregon Business has an article today explaining the changes in Oregon’s “hang up and drive” law — the one that prohibits motorists from cell phone use and text messaging unless they have a hands-free set. Under the current law, passed in 2009, there’s an exemption for any work-related calls. Not for long, however. Legislators thought that was too big of a loophole, and they closed it up during the 2011 session. Starting in 2012, the exemption is gone — unless you work in agriculture. If you do, you may continue to legally drive and talk at the same time. We caution that just because it is legal, does not mean it is safe. Numerous studies point to the dangers of distracted driving. Make safety your first priority. If you must drive and talk, pull over for a moment to take the call — whether you are on a public road or just your own property.
You are here: Home / Ag exemption survives cell phone crackdown
About Curt Kipp
Curt Kipp is the director of publications and communications at the Oregon Association of Nurseries, and the editor of Digger magazine.