This story by Andrea Castillo of The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) shows the real and positive impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This federal program is for people commonly known as “Dreamers,” who were brought to this country as children. Through no fault of their own, they lack legal immigration status, even though America may […]
Schumer predicts immigration bill will pass soon
— PostedThe Senate’s bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill — also known as the “Gang of Eight” bill — will pass by July 4, predicted Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) — one of the bill’s architects — on Sunday. However, some House members are predicting that the Senate bill will not get anywhere in the House. Still, proponents hope passage […]
Proposed federal immigration bill amendments number in the hundreds
— PostedMembers of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee started the process this week of considering amendments to the comprehensive immigration reform bill proposed by the “Gang of Eight” senators (consisting of four Republicans and four Democrats). More than 300 proposed amendments were filed, including 77 by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) alone. Comprehensive immigration reform, as defined […]
Driver’s card opponents seek referendum
— PostedTo the surprise of few observers, the anti-immigration group Oregonians for Immigration Reform has started a petition drive to undo recently passed Senate Bill 833. If successful, they would deny undocumented residents their recently-won ability to get tested and hold an Oregon driver’s card if they qualify. Two Oregon legislators have signed on as sponsors […]
Kitzhaber signs driver’s card bill
— PostedGov. John Kitzhaber, with supporters including Jeff Stone of OAN (left) looking on, celebrates after signing SB 833B. With more than 2,000 people looking on in celebration, Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber signed SB 833B today at a midday rally on the front steps of the Oregon Capitol. The bill directs the Oregon Department of Motor […]
House to vote Tuesday on driver card bill
— PostedThe Oregon House of Representatives will vote Tuesday on Senate Bill 833B, which would create a four-year driver’s card for residents who can prove their identity but don’t have all the documents needed for a full, eight-year driver’s license. The bill passed the state Senate earlier on a 20-7 vote. If the House approves, too, […]
The “I-word”
— PostedFollowing the lead of the Associated Press, The New York Times today announced it has changed its policy on the use of the term “illegal immigrant” in news stories. “[We] will continue to allow the phrase to be used for ‘someone who enters, lives in or works in the United States without proper legal authorization.’ […]
Oregon Senate approves driver’s card bill
— PostedAs expected by most observers, the Oregon Senate today approved Senate Bill 833, the driver’s card bill. The legislation will allow undocumented residents and others without proof of legal residency to obtain driver privileges in the form of a four-year driver’s card, provided they can prove their identity and pass the requisite tests. Only brief […]
Federal immigration reform bill introduced
— PostedAfter months of anticipation, the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” U.S. senators introduced their comprehensive immigration reform bill (PDF) on Wednesday. The bill would tighten border security while also providing a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants. Organizers hope it will earn broad enough support to pass both chambers of Congress and be signed into […]
Schumer: Immigration reform bill may arrive this week
— PostedU.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) — part of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators working on comprehensive immigration reform – says a bill may be coming this week. “All of us have said that there will be no agreement until the eight of us agree to a big, specific bill, but hopefully we can get […]