How did it arrive here, and what can be done? Fire blight is a disease that can kill apple and pear trees. It is especially dangerous in a nursery setting, for reasons we will explain. The disease can result in the direct loss of plant material, which in turn can necessitate a costly and difficult […]
OSU and USDA Nursery Working Group
— PostedThere are many programs at Oregon State University (OSU) and the USDA-ARS- Horticulture Crops Research Laboratory that focus on nursery, greenhouse, landscape and related crops. Here are some of the people and their programs that impact the ornamental industry of Oregon. Neil Bell evaluates landscape plants for drought tolerance and cold hardiness in western Oregon. […]
USDA releases new emerald ash borer detection map
— PostedUSDA has released an updated version of its emerald ash borer (EAB) map (PDF). It shows the counties in which authorities have detected the destructive, invasive beetle that is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of ash trees in the United States. The pest was first detected in the United States in Michigan […]
Get ‘em while they’re hot: New cultivars from OSU
— PostedThe Ornamental Plant Breeding Program at OSU is beginning to hit its stride and new cultivars are hitting the market – carrying the hopes of making a positive impact on the industry. Established in 2010, the Ornamental Plant Breeding Program at Oregon State University has worked to develop plants that work in production for landscapers […]
Testing the waters
— PostedHow to test your irrigation system for the presence of Phythophthora By Neelam R. Redekar and Jennifer L. Parke Phytophthora is a fungus-like organism — called a water mold — that can infect a wide variety of nursery plant species. One of the ways it can spread is through irrigation water. Depending on size, a […]
Emerging threats to conifer foliage
— PostedGrowers and nurseries should be on the lookout for these diseases By Jared LeBoldus, Dave Shaw, and Paul Reeser Two new foliage diseases of Douglas fir and several other conifer species are emerging in Oregon, and they could be a threat to conifer growers and nurseries. The pathogens include Phytophthora pluvialis, the cause of Pytophthora […]
Here comes the sun
— PostedResearchers continue to evaluate soil solarization as a weed management technique By Carol Mallory-Smith, Jennifer Parke and Nami Wada In 2017, nursery and greenhouse producers added $947.7 million to Oregon’s economy, according to the Oregon Department of Agriculture. And for this very valuable Oregon industry, and all agricultural systems, weeds are a major issue impacting […]
Farwest Show speakers talk about woody breeding and boxwood blight
— PostedAt the 2018 Farwest Show, seminar speakers Dr. Ryan Contreras of Oregon State University (OSU), and Jill Calabro of AmericanHort/Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), will deliver talks of particular interest to nursery growers, sharing insights on new breeding for woody plants and developments in the crisis of boxwood blight. Dr. Contreras’ seminar, “Moving, Shaking and Remaking: […]
The emerald ash borers are coming (eventually)!
— PostedAn impending threat to Oregon’s urban ecosystems If it’s not on your radar yet, it will be soon: The age of ash trees (Fraxinus, sp.) in the United States is winding down as the emerald ash borer (EAB) slowly follows a western route across the country, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. EAB […]
Heroes and villains
— PostedResearch identifies harmful and beneficial microbes in nursery soil Four years ago, we received funding from the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative to study the interaction of soil-borne pathogens and environment on nursery plant health and disease control (Digger, July 2015). Since then, we have made significant progress in identifying the beneficial and pathogenic microbes […]
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