Officials with the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS), Oregon Field Office, are busy collecting responses to two important nursery surveys: the once-every-decade 2010 Census of Horticultural Specialties (incorporating the annual Commercial Floriculture Survey), and the every-three-years Nursery and Floriculture Chemical Use survey.
According to Bruce Eklund, deputy director of the NASS Oregon Field Office, enumerators are trying to save operators time by combining the chemical use survey and the horticulture census into one site visit. Some 660 or so growers, fall under both surveys. Meanwhile, operators who only fall under the horticulture census received it in the mail earlier. Both of these groups still have time to answer their surveys. NASS officials will try to reach out to all of them over the next few months. Deadlines are more urgent for commercial floriculture operators, who are asked to reply to at least the Census of Horticulture soon as possible.
Eklund emphasized that it is to the benefit of growers and operators to answer the surveys that apply to them. The Census of Horticulture, he said, “shows the magnitude of the industry” as well as its issues, needs and economic importance. Likewise, he said, the chemical use survey leads more reasonable regulation because it “helps to educate EPA about the responsible use of pesticides.” For details, contact Chris Mertz or Vernisha Bethea at 503-326-2131 or [email protected].