Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), the foundation of AmericanHort, is now accepting research project proposals for the 2021 grant cycle. Applications are due no later than June 1.
Each year, the institute funds projects that are designed to improve green industry efficiencies and profitability. Grants of between $5,000 and $35,000 may be awarded to research projects that strategically focus on plant benefits, innovative solutions, consumer preferences, and business solutions. Research projects are most likely to be funded if they have defined outcomes, provide practical advice for businesses and offer a demonstrated return on investment.
Applicants can consider HRI’s research priorities, project requirements and review process before applying. Read the proposal requirements and application for additional details.
In 2020, HRI awarded $345,800 for various research projects. For example, Dr. Andony Melathopoulos, assistant professor and pollinator health extension specialist at Oregon State University, was awarded a grant to study the public’s recognition of pollinator health initiatives and to assess the impact of HRI’s Grow Wise, Bee Smart and Oregon Be Projects Bee Plant Picks program. Dr. Bridget Behe, professor at Michigan State University and frequent Farwest Show speaker, received funding to study the decision-making process consumers choosing plants in order to create effective retail signs. For a list of projects and descriptions that received funding last year, click here.
HRI‘s mission is to direct, fund, promote, and communicate horticulture research. Since 1962, the institute has awarded more than $7 million in funding to research projects that study everything from horticultural production, environmental issues, and business development. Supporting research that improves efficiencies and profitability is how HRI helps the green industry businesses thrive.