The Oregon Association of Nurseries is now accepting nominations for the Oregon Nurseries’ Hall of Fame. Nominations are due January 13, 2017 and can be submitted online.
The Oregon Nurseries’ Hall of Fame was established to honor and recognize individuals who have been instrumental in the development of the Oregon nursery industry, have brought credit and recognition to the industry or have had a profound historical impact on the industry. The most recent inductees were Clint Smith, and Jim and Shirley Heater, who were inducted in 2006. The full list of prior inductees can be viewed here.
The next Hall of Fame Banquet will be held Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at the Holiday Inn in Wilsonville. Please save the date and plan on joining us for this special occasion, as we celebrate those who have elevated our association and our Oregon nursery industry. Banquet registration will be available soon at