Whether a plant is native or not can create confusion for the gardener and this is where an independent garden center can shine with knowledge to share.
Emphasizing fall planting for color
— PostedHow does a garden center capture the
kaleidoscope of fall colors and turn it into potential sales?
Nursery owner creates special iris to celebrate Olivia Newton-John
— PostedThomas Johnson became hooked on Olivia Newton-John at an early age and after her death from cancer, he created a special iris to honor her.
Farewell to a great man who inspired optimism
— PostedIf ever there was an optimist, it was Garden Gallery Ironworks founder Don Sprague.
Species rhododendrons offer unusual alternatives
— PostedSpecies rhododendrons may not always have the spectacular flowers that many hybrids do, and while a species can give color interest with their flowers, they can also offer other features for garden interest such as colored or variegated foliage, indumentum (fine hairs), and variable growth habits.
Nurturing Mother Earth through carbon sequestration
— PostedWhat does carbon sequestration really mean and what kinds of practices can we do that are beneficial?
Olive trees are migrating north
— PostedOlive trees are now available at most local garden centers and in most cases, have seemed to grow well in our local conditions.
Favorite plants of the summer
— PostedFour favorite plants that thrived in Pacific Northwest’s warm summers.
Open season for open gardens
— PostedVisiting gardens is a great way to see how other gardeners use plants in unique combinations, and also for socializing with other gardeners. But probably my favorite reason to go is to see and learn about plants that are new to me. Fortunately, the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon (HPSO) offers members like me the […]
Specimen shrubs that steal the spotlight
— PostedMost gardens have a diversity of plants, usually with a representation of at least one or two categories. This would include annuals, perennials, shrubs, vines and trees. In the urban gardens of many homeowners today, there may be fewer trees and more shrubs due to limited space. Sometimes the distinction between a shrub and a […]
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