Josh Zielinski, who served as president of the Oregon Association of Nurseries in 2018, has been appointed to a four-year term on the Oregon State Board of Agriculture.
Meet the leader: Jesse Nelson
— PostedGeneral ManagerHans Nelson & Sons Nursery Inc. OAN member since: 2002 OAN roles/positions: Board of Directors – Field and Bare Root Tell us about yourself: I grew up doing different little jobs around our family farm in Boring, Oregon, for as long as I can remember. My grandfather started Hans Nelson & Sons Nursery in […]
The Advocacy Issue, Part 5: The cost of doing business
— PostedRod Park once met a cattleman. The nurseryman and OAN past president was attending a conference years ago, talking to aggies from other sectors. The rancher reported that he had grown from raising 500 head of cattle to 1,000 head, but he was making the same net income. It was, essentially, double the risk, double […]
The Advocacy Issue, Part 4: The issues
— PostedThe OAN engages in a wide variety of issues affecting members Every legendary band or musician with a deep repertoire still has a song, like Lynrd Skynrd’s “Freebird,” they must play at every concert, usually during the encore. The Rolling Stones always end with “Gimme Shelter.” Bob Dylan plays “Blowin’ in the Wind.” Andy Williams […]
The Advocacy Issue, Part 3: The approach
— PostedOAN focuses on issues rather than party politics It’s 2020, and Americans are more polarized than ever. Their political institutions certainly reflect it. That was true even before COVID-19 and other unusual events of this year layered on an added patina of surreality. OAN Government Relations Committee member Leigh Geschwill described the landscape as “treacherous, […]
The Advocacy Issue, Part 2: The team
— PostedOAN members and experts work in tandem to protect nurseries Men and women roaming marble hallways in expensive attire — that’s what people may envision when they think of lobbying. And while professional advocates play a role, the OAN Advocacy Team has more players — and more layers. According to OAN Executive Director Jeff Stone, it […]
The Advocacy Issue, Part 1: The need
— PostedWith a season on the brink, OAN responds The season was on the line, and everyone knew it. Normally, the word “season” might refer to collegiate or professional athletics. But for nurseries this past March, it meant something else. Spring shipping. With the proliferation of the COVID-19 pathogen, states were restricting businesses and their ability […]
Building the stems of the next generation
— PostedThe Oregon Association of Nurseries and the Oregon Nurseries Foundation congratulate each of these students on their impressive accomplishments thus far and wish them the best of luck as they continue towards building the future of a strong nursery industry. Please join us in congratulating the 2020-21 ONF Scholarship Award Winners. Students were evaluated based […]
Meet the Leader: Tom Brewer
— PostedHC Companies OAN member since 1991 1991-2010 Greenhouse Chapter 2010-2013 Sunset Chapter 2013-2020 Clackamas Chapter OAN 2013 “Distinguished Member of the Horticultural Allied Trades Industry” Award OAN roles/positions: OAN Board of Directors, 2013–present (current Associate Member representative) Member, Government Relations Committee, 2013–present President, Clackamas Chapter, 2014 Vice chair, Government Relations Committee, 2016–2017 Chairman, Oregon Nurseries’ […]
Meet the Leader: Chris Robinson
— PostedNursery ManagerRobinson Nursery Inc. OAN member since 1987 Field/Bare Root representative, OAN Board of Directors Sunset Chapter President Research Committee member New Nursery Professional of the Year (2017) Tell us about yourself My dream ever since I was little was to manage the nursery. When I was 8, I started pruning trees to earn a […]
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