A wall of Cornus mas adds color and privacy for homeowners. Photo courtesy of InstantHedge
Get inspired by designers using living screens to block ugly views and divide space, or read about gardeners who are breaking records with long gourds. For pest and weed control, container growers share their experience using hazelnut shells and other mulches to keep pests and weeds at bay and researchers evaluate ways to manage turfgrass without herbicides.
In this issue:
- Trees for screens: These varied and versatile living screen options can hide neighbors, block ugly views, provide backdrops and divide space
- Mulching in containers: With timely and full application, hazelnut shells and other mulches can keep weeds at bay
- Winter is coming: President’s Message by Josh Zielinski
- A homegrown connection for the holiday: Directors Desk by Jeff Stone
- Obsessive gardeners: What I’m Hearing with Mike Darcy
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- Turf care without herbicides: Oregon State University research evaluates the use of integrated pest management for weed control on turfgrass
Download a PDF of the full issue: December 2018
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].