For anyone looking for inspiration to start their own nursery business or pass their existing operation on to a fresh owner, the Transition Issue shares the stories of many different industry professionals. Articles provide step-by-step guidance for managing a successful succession, transition models, and other planning resources.
In this issue:
- In the beginning: Startup nurseries draw on inspiration, entrepreneurial desire and the mentorship of others
- Making the handoff: Family-owned nurseries follow a variety of models to transition to the next generation of ownership
- Planting seeds for the future: To achieve the desired outcomes, business transition planning should begin early and cover all the bases
- The elements of transition: A nursery transition plan must consider the optimal timing to change ownership, management, control — or ultimately, all three
- The generational cycle of success: Proper farm transition planning, including timing, protects the viability of the business going forward
- Meet the Leader: Scott Ekstrom, Ekstrom Nursery owner, talks about being a nurseryman and father while fighting a chronic illness
- Slowing down to take stock: President’s Message by Jim Simnitt
- Knowing your customers: What I’m Hearing by Mike Darcy
- Cumulative impacts have consequences: Director’s Desk with Jeff Stone
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- The generational cycle of success: Proper farm transition planning, including timing, protects the viability of the business going forward
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].