The value of membership

OAN members gather at a variety of OAN events, such as the Mt. Hood Chapter Pioneer Dinner, Farwest show, and Convention. Photos by Curt Kipp.
The North American Green Industry is made up of companies in all 50 states plus Canada and other countries. Whether large or small, family owned or corporate, those companies rely on interaction with others, and thrive on the strength in numbers that can only come from participating in trade groups. In this issue, we explore those interactions and benefits, and look at how trade groups are adapting to societal change.
In this issue:
- Finding your way: Green industry professionals and the businesses they serve can thrive by cultivating strong relationships.
- Measuring return on investment: OAN member benefits are designed to save members money and improve business outcomes.
- Green Industry Networking Calendar 2018 Post this magazine spread to the wall of your work space to as a reminder for opportunities to connect with the industry, build your network and pursue your business success.
- Trade groups adapt to a changing landscape: Nonprofit nursery associations continually adapt to help their members succeed.
- Teamwork matters: President’s Message by Josh Zielinski
- Inspiration in other gardens: What I’m Hearing by Mike Darcy
- Our mission is to serve: Director’s Desk by Jeff Stone
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- We study gardens: An update from OSU’s Garden Ecology Lab by Gail Langellotto
Download a pdf of the full issue: Digger Magazine – February 2018
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].