Our very own Le Tour des Plants – a self-guided excursion to 48 garden centers and specialty nurseries from Eugene, Ore. to Woodland, Wash. – will be from Sept. 13-21. Its purpose is to build fall sales for OAN-member retailers by encouraging experienced gardeners and those new to gardening to look at fall as a great time to plant and be out in the garden. Participating nurseries offer special discounts, seminars and workshops and other fun activities for the whole family. Several wholesale nurseries are working closely with the participating garden centers to offer new plants and fresh inventory to more than 10,000 Le Tour des Plants enthusiasts. J. Frank Schmidt & Son (a Le Tour sponsor), Peoria Gardens and Terra Nova Nurseries, all wholesale growers, are opening their display gardens for a rare visit by the public during Le Tour. Novalis has also signed on as a sponsor of the event. For complete details and a list of participating nurseries, browse www.LeTourDesPlants.com.