In this issue, we talk to birch tree growers about the distinctive, well-loved varieties they supply for landscape designs. A recap of all the Farwest 2021 action — including details about the plants and companies receiving top honors at this year’s show — is also inside. Readers will meet Tyler Meskers, a first-generation grower for Oregon Flowers, and learn about researchers’ trials to mitigate the spread of boxwood blight.
In this issue:
- A tree with a peel: Despite some pest issues, birch trees provide a distinctive, well-loved look to landscape designs.
- Meet the leader: Tyler Meskers: Raised in rural Oregon, the Oregon Flowers Inc. vice president grew up merging his local roots with hands-on experience working on family farms in Holland.
- Farwest marks a gathering of new, returning faces: The Farwest Show returned to embrace nearly 3,500 guests at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland.
- Retailers’ Choice Awards embrace discoveries at Farwest
- Two stand out at New Varieties Showcase
- Little Prince repeats as Best in Show booth winner
- Overcoming adversity: President’s message by Kyle Fessler
- A more perfect union: Director’s Desk by Jeff Stone
- Sitting at the virtual table: Legal Access by Marika Sitz
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- Call it ‘herbal distancing’: Research shows that spacing out boxwood shrubs in production prevents the spread of infectious spores.
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].