Garden club members gather at events hosted at Al’s Garden & Home and take trips to places like Joy Creek Nursery. Photo courtesy of Al’s Garden & Home and Hardy Plant Society of Oregon
As some nurseries begin building relationships with gardening groups, columnist Mike Darcy shares what many homeowners have planned for their yards this season. Growers also consider how recent tariffs are impacting Oregon’s nursery industry, or how to use grapes in their production line.
In this issue:
Garden clubs: Cultivating buzz: Growers benefit by building relationships with gardening groups, both in person and online
Taxing times for trade: How Trump’s tariffs and trade policies are impacting Oregon’s nursery industry
- Don’t fall into the trap of history repeating: President’s Message by Mike Hiller
- Flowers, hearts and decapitations: Directors Desk by Jeff Stone
- Gardeners discuss goals and plans for 2019: What I’m Hearing with Mike Darcy
Growing Knowledge, an ongoing series provided by Oregon State University in collaboration with the USDA and in partnership with OAN.
- Grapes as a nursery opportunity: Oregon State University experts explain the varieties of grapes that grow well in the Pacific Northwest
Download a PDF of the full issue: February 2019
Please send your comments on the issue to editor Curt Kipp at [email protected].