Edibles have been a hot trend in gardening for the past few years. Homeowners short on money, but eager to garden and looking to stretch their grocery dollar, have been planting victory gardens, either at grade, or in raised beds. In many places, however, city and homeowners association rules have failed to keep up. Many locales still ban raised beds in the front yard.
It’s a lament that blogger and landscape designer Ivette Soler voiced at last week’s Farwest Show seminars. Speaking to an audience of garden center operators, landscape pros and growers, she outlined ways that gardeners and designers can plant veggies in front yards without hurting curb appeal. Perhaps that message is catching on, because now the city of Portland is looking at rescinding rules that prevented front yard edible gardens. It makes sense in a city that prides itself on sustainability.
Do you know of other cities that have changed these rules? Feel free to add that information in the comments.