President Obama plans to announce his next steps on the issue of immigration reform in a live television address tonight. The broadcast will take place at 5 p.m., White House officials announced. “Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken,” the president said in a video released on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, Washington has allowed the problem […]
Edible gardening trend remains strong, surveys says
— PostedA majority of consumers (58 percent) plan to grow edible plants next year, according to a report recently published by the Garden Writers Association Foundation (GWAF). The organization’s 2014 October Gardening Trends Research Report goes on to state that, of those not planning to grow edible plants in 2015, over one-third (37 percent) said it […]
Obama to issue executive order on immigration
— PostedAs soon as next week, President Obama will issue his long-promised executive order on immigration, according to a report in the New York Times. The order comes after the failure of the Republican-dominated U.S. House of Representatives to act upon bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that was passed by the U.S. Senate in 2013. It’s expected […]
Spotting the spotted lanternfly
— PostedSpotted lanternfly. Photograph by Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture According to a tip from OSU Extension entomologist Robin Rosetta, a new insect pest — the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) — was recently detected in Berks County, Pennsylvania. In response, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture announced a quarantine with the intent to restrict the movement of this pest. This […]
OAN is honored for association achievement
— PostedThe Oregon Society of Association Management (OSAM) announced several awards and honors at its annual conference November 5 in Wilsonville, and the Oregon Association of Nurseries (OAN) was among the winners. The association won the Association Achievement Award, which is presented to an association that has done exceptional work in areas such as enhanced member […]
Sluggy trees aren’t coming to town
— PostedAs reported by KGW-8 (Portland, Oregon), OAN member Christmas tree grower Kirk International Inc. has come up with a novel way to remove hitchhiking slugs from its trees — hot showers. This allows the trees to be shipped to a number of overseas markets that have strict rules about invasive species — places like Hawaii, Guam and […]
EPA launches voluntary star-rating program to reduce pesticide drift
— PostedThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a new voluntary Drift Reduction Technology (DRT) program. The agency hopes to encourage the use of verified, safer pesticide spray products to reduce exposure and pesticide movement while saving farmers money in pesticide loss. Annually, up to 10 percent of agricultural pesticide spray is estimated to drift or move […]
Farwest Trade Show announces keynote speaker for 2015
— PostedPress Release — November 4, 2014: Finding and realizing opportunity in the horticulture industry is the focus for the 2015 Farwest Trade Show, August 27-29, 2015, in Portland, Ore. Award-winning marketing and customer service expert Ron Rosenberg will bring his brand of business and professional development to Farwest to help growers, retailers, landscapers, wholesale buyers and […]
Making hay when the weather stinks
— PostedWe’ve all heard of making hay when the sun shines. The Garden Corner retail nursery in Tualatin, Oregon — which is known for its creative marketing — recently did the opposite. Owner Jonn Karsseboom put together this clever video showing the impact of recent wind and rain at his nursery: Jonn then used his email marketing […]
Customers will pay more for the green label
— PostedWill retail customers pay more for plants that are labeled “water conserving” or “disease free?” According to Dr. James Pease, professor of agricultural and applied economics at Virginia Tech, the answer is yes. Dr. Pease conducted a survey and found that the difference, in fact, could vary from 9 percent to as high as 60 […]